Dr. Tammy Allen

Hello, I'm

Dr. Tammy Allen.

Welcome to my world of medicine and travel! As the founder of TravelMeds2Go, I am driven by a passion to deliver timely, convenient, and affordable healthcare.
I’m well aware that life doesn’t always go as planned, especially when it comes to managing your medications. Week after week, I encounter individuals who find themselves caught between providers, transitioning insurance coverage, or facing the stress of changing jobs or contracts. And that’s precisely where my service truly shines.
Gone are the days of enduring expensive urgent care visits or waiting endlessly in overcrowded emergency rooms. You deserve better. Whether you urgently need a prescription refill or find yourself facing the discomfort of a bladder infection on a Friday night, I’m here to bring you relief and peace of mind. With a simple virtual consultation, you can receive the care you need, from the convenience of your home, at the cost of a typical copay, and within 24 hours.

Ready to start your secure consult with a real physician?

My dedication to providing exceptional care was born out of personal experience.

Picture my husband and me, eagerly embarking on our first adventure together to Morocco. Excitedly, we approached our primary care physicians, requesting prescriptions for anti-malarial medications and antibiotics to safeguard our health during the trip. To our disappointment, they declined, citing their concerns about writing a prescription without a diagnosis and directed us to a travel clinic who charges us more than $500 each, when our PCPs could have easily given us prescriptions for the cost of a copay.
This encounter prompted me to reflect on the countless stories I’ve heard from patients facing similar struggles. It became clear that there was a pressing need for a streamlined, accessible service for travelers like us. Thus, I made it my mission to create a comprehensive pre-travel medication service, tailored to those who only require medications and not vaccines.
My dedication to providing exceptional care was born out of personal experience.
In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, telemedicine has transformed the way we receive medical care.

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, telemedicine has transformed the way we receive medical care.

It’s a fascinating journey that has paved the way for my travel medicine business to also cater to urgent care scenarios and individuals in-between physicians. However, it’s important to note that not all state medical boards have fully embraced the utilization of online interviews for medical visits. But fear not, change is on the horizon.
As more and more states begin to recognize the immense benefits of asynchronous medical care, the tide is shifting in favor of convenience, affordability, and accessibility. Through my telemedicine platform, patients can now access healthcare services any time, day or night, all from the comfort of their own homes. No longer do they have to grapple with taking time off work or school, or worry about finding a babysitter. It’s a seamless, stress-free experience.
So, whether you find yourself in need of immediate medical attention, caught in the transition between healthcare providers, or embarking on an exciting journey with unique health requirements, I’m here to help along your journey.

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